Friday, August 5, 2011

Last Day Today

Was about to write today about my August 5 but then my sister was watching Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone so I planned to watch instead.

But then I remembered that I promised myself that this'll be my last day to post about you. So okay, I will. After 2 entries, well if I have to count this too, 3 entries...I'm done with you.

Because of what happened, I wasn't able to focus at work. I was worrying about him actually. I cannot live with the fact that he's not okay and I'm the culprit. I know how much he loves you and what he's willing to give up for you and it kills me knowing he has to battle this. I'm not trying to gratify myself but you know, if he and I didn't get close, maybe your fairytale's in its honeymoon stage for as long as you guys wanted it.

But okay. I called a friend and ranted about it. He told me to give myself this day, JUST THIS DAY to rant and then get over it tomorrow. So okay, today's gonna be my last and won't care about this anymore.

Good thing we had a series of laughter during our coffee get-together. And yes, I wanna share it with you. You see, we had a bet: ME, DREI and KARL that we're gonna lose weight before September hits. And yesterday, we found out that Karl was very serious about this and now, Drei and I planned to get really SERIOUS!

So I went over his things and found flax seeds, milkshake powder and...THIS!

I got really curious about this Animal Snak so I asked him...

Agnes: Animal Snak? For? (waiting for him to say it's for his dog))
Drei: I just bought whatever my hand touched.
A: And this is for? (still waiting for him to say it's for his dog)
D: I'm gonna eat it.
A: (surprised) You're gonna eat this??? (shocked that he was planning to eat a dog treat)
D: Why?
A: But this is for animals?
D: Sira, that's just a brand name!!!
A: Okay... hahahaha! (felt relieved)

My gosh, I really thought he was about to eat that doggie snack! HAHAHA! How stupid of me! :))

And here's a picture of my fave Starbs Frapp: GREEN TEA (completely finished anyway)

So today, I promised not to eat any food with carbs and managed breakfast but then since I had no choice during the event, the only food available at the BSP Cafeteria was Carbonara.

And during the event, since BSP prepared a lot of food, we were forced to eat even though we just ate! And the whole menu contains carbs! LIKE OOOOKAAAAY.....

Oh you're gonna love this! Saw this guys at BSP!

 Just imagine having these kids inside your coin purse!       AMAZING!!! I'd be like the richest here on earth! :))

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